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Chair yoga workshop (Behind-the-Scenes)

I think we all want to DEEPEN OUR YOGA PRACTICE.

So how? 🤔

Taking more classes? No.

Pushing to the maximum in poses? No.

To deepen our practice, we need to:

1️⃣ Slow down

2️⃣ Spend time

3️⃣ Invest in details

4️⃣ Do this together.

In the past month, I have been spending a lot of time in workshops, studying with other teachers on specific skills, and I have hosted my 8-hour Chair Intensive.

The difference between the drop-in classes and a workshop is

👉 The content is targeted, hence we can go into DETAILS.

👉 We spend a long time learning, practicing, and studying the poses

👉 The collectiveness of practicing with the same people.

Good things take time. 🙏

If a drop-in class is like a fast stir fry, a workshop or an intensive, is like a slow cooker, when we deeply “marinate” ourselves in the practice to bring out those “deep flavors”.

Here are some Behind the Scenes from my last Chair Workshop. 😊

And I am excited to announce the next Chair Workshop will return at the end of August.

More details to follow.

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