In every class, there will be some alignment instructions. However, the objective is different when the FOCUS is in Alignment.
In a Vinyasa class, the FOCUS is the dynamic nature of the practice to the fluidity – move with the breath. Alignment is not the primary objective. Hence, fewer alignment instructions.
The FOCUS of Alignment is on the DETAILS. Poses are held for a longer period of time. Teachers have more time to explain the ACTIONS within the postures. Students have more opportunities to observe and adjust their postures
First, it’s the basic form – the shape.
⚡ How does the pose look like? ⚡ How do you get in and out of it?
Then it’s the details – the actions within the poses.
👉 How do you align the bones in these postures? 👉 What are the directions of the bones moving? 👉 What part of the body is engaging? 👉 What part of the body is lengthening?
Instead of making shapes, we explore the biomechanics of the body – the application of mechanical principles to the human body; understanding how bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves work together in our yoga practice.
Join me in my Alignment Class 👇
Alignment Mixed Thursday, 7:30-8:30 am at Ngee Ann City Friday, 12:15-1:15 pm at Suntec City
Alignment Advanced Sunday 10:45-12:00 pm at Ngee Ann City