For people who know me, you know how much I love inversions.
Not handstands, which is actually an arm balance.
I am talking about Sirsasana (Headstand) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand).
These two asanas are known as the King and the Queen of Asanas and are poses that we are meant to stay in for a longer period of time.
Most asanas consume energy, but Headstand and Shoulderstand, restore, rejuvenate and even create energy.
I am not here to make any medical claims. But from my own experience, these two asanas clear my head, restore my body, and calms my mind.
Day 5 of the #pure5pillars challenge – the last element is Space (specialized) – with inversion pose with props.
My favourite inversion is Headstand and favourite prop? It’s hard to pick.
I love experimenting with the use of props.
From simple props like blocks, blankets, and straps, to more specialized props like chairs, wheels, and aerial yoga, I like to use them all.
I have established myself as a specialized teacher, teaching many specialized classes with the use of these props.
Join me and see which one you like more!