The New Year has come. 🎉
Let’s start with a little story.
Hanumanasana, the front split, is named after Hanuman – the monkey god. 🙉
The story behind the Hanuman, the monkey God, 🙊 was that he was famous of his powerful leaps, as he was able to jump over long distances (hence the split). The Monkey God took a giant leap from South India to Sri Lanka to help his friend save his beloved. Hence Hanuman was also known for his devotion and loyalty.
Another interesting thing about Hanuman 🙈 is he didn’t know about his powers. It reminds us about our hidden powers and potentials awaiting for us to discover and unfold.
As we take a leap into the new year, I wish you all, just like Hanuman, be able to find your hidden powers and potential; and be flexible to take leaps and stretch our body and mind, and to our devotion and patience in our practice.